Letters of Inquiry for Funding

--Susan Stewart & Jean McCoury-

Changes to Grant Making-2017

      In 2017, we changed our grant making strategy and no longer solicit grant applications from non-profits following the annual DelFest event.  We look for projects throughout the course of the year and select those of import to the foundation. If your organization is interested in submitting a letter of inquiry for funding from the DelFest Foundation, please submit your non-profit’s idea for a project that can lead to lasting change for the population you serve.  Letters should be no longer than two pages. Foundation members will determine which projects garner interest, and we will contact you for more information.  Unfortunately, we will be unable to respond to all letters but will focus on the projects of greatest potential for positive impact.  See guidelines below.



Susan Stewart, Delfest Foundation Secretary 


Letter of Inquiry Guidelines (adapted from grantsspace.org)

  1. The introduction serves as a summary for the letter of inquiry and includes the name of your organization, the amount of funding needed or requested, and a description of the project. Include the qualifications of project staff, a brief description of how you will measure success, and a timetable for implementing the project.

  2. The organization description should be concise and focus on the ability of your organization to meet the stated need. Provide a very brief history and description of your current programs while demonstrating a direct connection between what is currently being done and what you wish to accomplish with the requested funding. You will flesh this section out in greater detail if you are invited to submit a full proposal. Note: your organization must be a legal non-profit organization as recognized by the IRS.

  3. The statement of need must convince the reader that there is an important need that can be met by your project. The statement of need includes a description of the population you wish to serve, brief statistics that support the need, and some concrete examples of the need.

  4. The main approach should be appropriate to your statement of need and present a clear, logical, and achievable solution to the stated need. Include major activities and desired objective.

  5. Other funding sources being approached for support of this project should be listed in a brief sentence or paragraph if you are applying for more funds. Collaborative efforts are favorable.


Please send "Letters of Inquiry" as attached PDF files to:

[email protected]




If you would like to send your "Letter of Inquiry" by the USPS please mail to:

Delfest Foundation Inc.

PO Box 1081

Cumberland, MD 21501-1081